Name: Mladen J. Kocica
Date of birth: 02 September 1961, Arandjelovac
Marital status: Married with Milica
Kids: Dunja and Pavle
Pets: Srećko (Maltese)
Languages: English (fluent), Spanish (basic
Computers: Advanced user
Phone: +381(11) 3670-609
CTSNet Homepage
Business address
Clinic for Cardiac Surgery
UC Clinical Centre of Serbia
8th Kosta Todorovic St
11000 Belgrade,
Phone/fax: +381(11) 366 3201
Deputy director, Consultant Cardiac Surgeon at Clinic for Cardiac Surgery,
Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, UC Clinical
Centre of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia.
International Scientific Board Director at
"Torrent-Guasp" Foundation, Valencia,
1995 - Medical School, University of Belgrade, Serbia.
1995-1996 - General Practice - Medical School,
University of Belgrade and Institute for Cardiovascular
Diseases UC Clinical Centre, Belgrade, Serbia.
1996-2001 - Residency in General Surgery - Medical
School, University of Belgrade, Institute for
Cardiovascular Diseases UC Clinical Centre, Belgrade,
1997 - Medical School, University of Belgrade and
Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases UC Clinical
Centre, Belgrade – Serbia. Postgraduate MSc Course in
Cardiovascular Surgery. MSc Thesis: "Pre-implant
atherosclerosis of the left internal thoracic artery –
prevalence, morphology, risk factors and significance
for the coronary artery bypass surgery".
1995 - Medical School, University of Belgrade, Serbia -
Diploma and MD Certificate. Grade point average 9.25/10.
(No 27229)
1996 - License for Doctor Practitioner - Ministry of
Health and Welfare, Serbia. (No 152-02-00329/96-02)
2001 - License for Specialty in General Surgery -
Ministry of Health and Welfare, Serbia. Specialist
examination: Grade point average 5/5. (No17/661)
1995 - onward - Clinic for Cardiac Surgery Institute for
Cardiovascular Diseases UC Clinical Centre, Belgrade –
Serbia. Preformed different and case mixed, elective and
urgent, adult and pediatric cardiac surgical procedures,
vascular surgical procedures and thymectomies. Special
focus on ventricular restorative surgery for ischemic
heart disease (modified Dor's
procedure and other) and surgery of type A acute aortic
2001-2004 - Research in the laboratory of Prof.
Francisco Torrent-Guasp, Denia, Spain. Anatomical
dissections of the HVMB. New concept of heart structure
and function. Clinical implications. HVMB research
projects development.
2002 - onward - Cardiovascular Research Projects Granted
by Government of the Republic of Serbia - Ministry of
Science Technology and Development.
2002 - onward - Cardiovascular Research within Serbian
Academy of Science and Arts - Section of Medical
Sciences, The Board for Cardiovascular Pathology.
Practical demonstration and teaching medical students.
Complete list of publications, presentations and
scientific activities.
2005 -
The New Concepts of Cardiac Anatomy and
Physiology - Royal Liverpool Children's NHS Trust, Alder
Hey Hospital, Eaton Road, West Derby, Liverpool, UK.
The ventricular
myocardial band - anatomy (including practical
demonstration) and Physiology of the ventricular
myocardial band.
2005 - XVIII International Symposium on Morphological
Sciences, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro.
Workshop - Helical
Ventricular Myocardial Band Concept of Francisco
2005 -
XXV Congresso Norte Nordeste de Cardiologia, XVII
Congresso de Cardiologia do Estado da Bahia, XVII
Congresso Norte Nordeste de Cirurgia Cardiovascular.
Francisco Torrent-Guasp Memorial Lecture: Helical
Ventricular Myocardial Band - Structure and Function.
Treatment of the Ventricular Remodeling - Surgery for
Ischemic End Stage Heart Disease. CHF - Implications
from the new morpho-functional concepts to the CHF
treatment. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
2006 - 86th Annual Meeting of the AATS. Congenital Heart
Disease Symposium - New Concepts of Cardiac Anatomy and
Function - The Helical Heart. Lecture:
The Helical Ventricular Myocardial
Band of Torrent-Guasp. (Synchronized Audio
and Slides). Director: Erle H. Austin, III,
M.D. Pennsylvania Convention Center, USA.
2006 -
European Conference on Myocardial,
Pericardial Disease, and Left Ventricular Dysfunction
- SASA, Belgrade. "Interactive Panel: Myocardial
Structure, Myocarditis and Cardiomyoapthies". Lecture:
"Torrent-Guasp's Heart (Helical Ventricular Myoacrdial
Band): Anatomical Dissection."
European Society of Cardiovascular Surgery - Member
Scandinavian Society for Research in Cardiothoracic
Surgery - Member
Serbian Society for Cardiovascular Surgeons - Secretary
Society for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery of Serbia and
Montenegro - Member
National Physician Society - Surgical Section - Member
New concept of the ventricular form and function -
"Torrent-Guasp's Heart"
Ventricular remodeling
Surgical ventricular restoration - heart failure surgery
Device treatment for the heart failure
Education and training in Cardiac Surgery
Donald N. Ross - London, UK
Gerald D. Buckberg - Option on Bioengineering at
California Institute of Technology, and Division of
Cardiothoracic Surgery, David Geffen School of Medicine
Masashi Komeda - Kyoto University Graduate School of
Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kyoto,
Juan Cosin Aguilar - Cardio-circulatory Unit,
Investigation Centre, University Hospital La Fe,
Valencia, Spain.
Clotario N.C. Cueva - Department of Cardiac Surgery, UC
Federal de Bahia, Salvador, Brazil.
Antonio F. Corno - Alder Hey Royal Children Hospital,
Liverpool, UK.
Vladimir I. Kanjuh - Serbian Academy of Science and
Arts, Section of Medical Sciences, The Board for
Cardiovascular Pathology, Belgrade, Serbia.
* Contact details of the
Referees available upon request.